\" This master file produces text suitable for a 6"x9" paperback. .ds CH \" turn off page numbering (top) .nr HM 1i \" header margin .nr FM 1i \" footer margin .nr LL 4.25i \" line length .pl 9i \" page length .po .87i \" page offset (from left) .nr PS 8 \" font point size \" .kern \" pairwise kerning (groff only) .hy 14 \" automatic hyphenation \" .nr VS 24 \" double space .fp 1 R GA \" URW Garamond .fp 2 I GI .fp 3 B GM .fp 4 BI GMI .fp 5 CW H \" Helvetica .LP \& .sp |4.25i .ps 10 .B by Stanley Lieber .R .ps 8 Written 1987\-2022 XVA cover colored by Pete Toms This book was typeset \fC(troff -ms|lp -dstdout|ps2pdf)\fP in URW Garamond No. 8 by the author, using an MNT Reform laptop running the 9front operating system. MASSIVE FICTIONS .br massivefictions.com ISBN\-13:\ 978\-1\-387\-50106\-9 This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places and incidents either are the product of the author's imagination or are used fictitiously, and any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, businesses, companies, events or locales is entirely coincidental. MIT/CC0/Public Domain .ps 10